Prominent Programs
Notable centers, laboratories, institutes, and programs that engage the efforts of multiple MIT faculty:
- Abdul Latif Jameel World Education Lab
- Applied Cooperation Initiative
- Art, Culture, and Technology Program
- Behavioral Research Lab
- Center for Bits and Atoms
- Center for Collective Intelligence
- Center for Computational Science and Engineering
- Center for Constructive Communication
- Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research
- Center for Environmental Health Sciences
- Center for Information Systems Research
- Climate Policy Center
- Concrete Sustainability Hub
- Consumer Finance Initiative
- Cybersecurity at MIT Sloan
- Deshpande Center for Technological Innovation
- DesignX
- Edgerton Center
- Food Supply Chain Analytic and Sensing Initiative
- Global Languages Program
- Golub Center for Finance and Policy
- Health Systems Initiative
- Initiative on the Digital Economy
- Institute for Work and Employment Research
- Knight Science Journalism Program
- Laboratory for Financial Engineering
- Laboratory for Manufacturing and Productivity
- Leadership Center
- Legatum Center for Development and Entrepreneurship
- Martin Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship
- Microsystems Technology Laboratories
- MIT Center for Art, Science, and Technology
- MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab
- MIT Portugal Program
- MIT Quest for Intelligence
- MIT Sea Grant College Program
- MIT-Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Joint Program in Oceanography/Applied Ocean Science and Engineering
- Operations Research Center
- Responsible AI for Social Empowerment and Education
- Senseable City Lab
- Simons Center for the Social Brain
- Sustainability Initiative
- Women’s and Gender Studies Program