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Administrative Organization

The Institute’s chief executive officer is the president. Senior academic and administrative officers include the provost, chancellor, executive vice president and treasurer, vice provosts, deans of the schools and college, vice chancellors, vice presidents, chancellor for academic advancement, and director of libraries.

Schools & college

  • School of Architecture and Planning
  • School of Engineering
  • School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences
  • MIT Sloan School of Management
  • School of Science
  • MIT Schwarzman College of Computing

MIT’s academic departments and institutes—each under the leadership of a head or director—are organized within five schools and one college that encompass numerous degree-granting programs and interdisciplinary centers, laboratories, institutes, and programs whose work cuts across traditional departmental boundaries.

The MIT faculty determines the Institute’s educational policy. The faculty meets monthly and conducts much of its business through elected standing committees.

The Institute’s board of trustees, known as the MIT Corporation, includes 78 voting members who are distinguished leaders in engineering, science, industry, education, and other professions. Eight members serve ex officio: the chair of the Corporation, president, executive vice president and treasurer, secretary of the Corporation, president of the MIT Alumni Association, and three representatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The Corporation also includes 29 emeritus members. Approximately 83% of Corporation members are MIT alumni.

Presidents of the Institute

  • 2023–present

    Sally Kornbluth

  • 2012–2022

    L. Rafael Reif

  • 2004–2012

    Susan Hockfield

  • 1990–2004

    Charles Marstiller Vest

  • 1980–1990

    Paul Edward Gray

  • 1971–1980

    Jerome Bert Wiesner

  • 1966–1971

    Howard Wesley Johnson

  • 1959–1966

    Julius Adams Stratton

  • 1948–1958

    James Rhyne Killian, Jr.

  • 1930–1948

    Karl Taylor Compton

  • 1923–1930

    Samuel Wesley Stratton

  • 1921-1922

    Ernest Fox Nichols

  • 1909–1920

    Richard Cockburn Maclaurin

  • 1900–1907

    Henry Smith Pritchett

  • 1897–1900

    James Mason Crafts

  • 1881–1897

    Francis Amasa Walker

  • 1879–1881

    William Barton Rogers

  • 1870–1878

    John Daniel Runkle

  • 1862–1870

    William Barton Rogers